

RE: Gäste-Ecke

in Gäste-Ecke 13.01.2011 21:28
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gäste sollten nicht mehr schreiben dürfen

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RE: Gäste-Ecke

in Gäste-Ecke 13.01.2011 21:32
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bitte, schließt diesen thread

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RE: Gäste-Ecke

in Gäste-Ecke 13.01.2011 21:32
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bla bla

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RE: Gäste-Ecke

in Gäste-Ecke 13.01.2011 21:32
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Aspartam wurde 1965 durch Zufall von James M. Schlatter, einem Chemiker des pharmazeutischen Unternehmens G.D. Searle & Company entdeckt, der eigentlich auf der Suche nach einem Mittel gegen Magengeschwüre war.

Erste Verträglichkeitsuntersuchungen führten zu einem uneindeutigen Ergebnis und mündeten in eine Debatte darüber, ob Aspartam bei Ratten krebserregend wirken kann. Die für die Zulassung von Lebensmittelzusatzstoffen verantwortliche amerikanischen Behörde Food and Drug Administration (FDA) lehnte eine Zulassung von Aspartam deshalb mehrere Jahre lang ab. 1980 hatte sich ein Untersuchungsausschuss der FDA, der aus unabhängigen Beratern gebildet wurde, mit der Frage zu befassen, ob Aspartam Gehirntumore auslösen kann. Der Ausschuss verneinte dies, lehnte jedoch eine Zulassung aufgrund der offenen Frage der Karzinogenität in Ratten ab. Von 1977 bis 1985 arbeitete Donald Rumsfeld (vormaliger und späterer Verteidigungsminister) sich bei der G.D. Searle & Company (heute zu Monsanto gehörend) zum Vorstandsvorsitzenden hoch und sanierte die Firma grundlegend. So wurden im Zuge der Sanierung 60 Prozent der Arbeitsplätze gestrichen und das Unternehmen damit wieder in die schwarzen Zahlen gebracht. Außerdem erhielt die Firma in diesem Zeitraum eine Zulassung für den umstrittenen Süßstoff Aspartam (NutraSweet), der sich zu einem gewinnbringenden Produkt entwickelte. 1981, unmittelbar nach Amtsantritt, ernannte der US-Präsident Ronald Reagan Arthur Hull Hayes zum Vorsitzenden der FDA. Hayes veranlasste noch im selben Jahr die Zulassung von Aspartam in Trockenprodukten, wobei er sich auf eine japanische Studie berief, die dem Untersuchungsausschuss noch nicht zur Verfügung gestanden hatte. 1983 wurde Aspartam auch für die Verwendung in kohlensäurehaltigen Getränken und 1993 für die Verwendung in sonstigen Getränken, Back- und Süßwaren zugelassen. Seit 1996 unterliegt es in den USA keinen Verwendungsbeschränkungen mehr.

Searle hielt ein Patent auf Aspartam und vermarktete es unter dem Handelsnamen NutraSweet. 1986 wurde Searle von dem Unternehmen Monsanto übernommen, welches die Süßstoffproduktion unter dem Namen NutraSweet Company als selbstständigen Unternehmensteil fortführte und im Jahr 2000 wieder abstieß; die NutraSweet Company gehört heute dem privaten Investmentfond J.W. Childs Equity Partners II L.P. Da das Patent bereits 1992 abgelaufen ist, wird der weltweite Aspartam-Markt heute von verschiedenen Wettbewerbern versorgt.

In Deutschland wurde Aspartam am 13. Juni 1990 gemäß der Zusatzstoffzulassungsverordnung zugelassen.

Herstellung [Bearbeiten]

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RE: Gäste-Ecke

in Gäste-Ecke 13.01.2011 21:33
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ich poste mal was zu 50 cent

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RE: Gäste-Ecke

in Gäste-Ecke 13.01.2011 21:34
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50 Cent
aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie
(Weitergeleitet von 50 cent)
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50 Cent bei einem Konzert50 Cent (* 6. Juli 1975 in Queens, New York City, bürgerlich Curtis James Jackson III) ist ein US-amerikanischer Gangsta-Rapper. Nach der Entdeckung durch Jam Master Jay wurde er mehrfach angeschossen und von seinem Plattenvertrag entlassen. 2003 entdeckten Eminem und Dr. Dre ihn erneut. 50 Cent hat über 26 Millionen Kopien seiner Alben verkauft und sein Leben in Get Rich or Die Tryin' verfilmt.

Inhaltsverzeichnis [Verbergen]
1 Leben
1.1 Karriere
1.2 Unternehmerische Tätigkeit
2 Diskografie
3 Filmografie
4 Auszeichnungen
5 Bibliographie
6 Weblinks
7 Einzelnachweise

Dieser Artikel oder nachfolgende Abschnitt ist nicht hinreichend mit Belegen (bspw. Einzelnachweisen) ausgestattet. Die fraglichen Angaben werden daher möglicherweise demnächst entfernt. Hilf bitte der Wikipedia, indem du die Angaben recherchierst und gute Belege einfügst. Näheres ist eventuell auf der Diskussionsseite oder in der Versionsgeschichte angegeben. Bitte entferne zuletzt diese Warnmarkierung.

Curtis Jackson wuchs im Viertel South Jamaica des New Yorker Stadtteils Queens in ärmlichen Verhältnissen auf. Seinen Vater kannte er nicht und seine Mutter wurde in ihrem Haus ermordet, als er acht Jahre alt war. Unbekannte waren in ihr Haus eingedrungen und drehten, während sie schlief, den Gashahn auf, so dass sie an dem Gas erstickte. Nach ihrem Tod lebte Jackson bei seinen Großeltern. Da er bereits durch seine Mutter Verbindungen zum Drogengeschäft gehabt hatte, handelte er bereits als 12-Jähriger mit Drogen und verbüßte mehrere kurze Gefängnisstrafen; die erste große Strafe bekam er mit 18 Jahren.

Den Namen 50 Cent übernahm Jackson von einem in den 1980er-Jahren aktiven Gangster namens Kelvin Martin, der damals für Raubüberfälle und Schießereien bekannt war. Jackson wählte diesen Namen, da er nach eigenen Worten all das verkörperte, was Kelvin in den 1980ern war. Den Handel mit Drogen gab er nach eigener Aussage erst auf, als er erkannte, dass ihm das Rap-Geschäft mehr Geld brachte.

50 Cent bei einem Konzert in Stockholm im Juni 2009Entdeckt wurde er vom mittlerweile ermordeten Jam Master Jay (Run-D.M.C.), der ihn für sein Label unter Vertrag nahm. Nachdem sich der Plattenvertrag bei Jam Master als unproduktiv erwiesen hatte, wechselte er zu Columbia Records. Dort entstand das Debütalbum Power of the Dollar. Bevor es veröffentlicht werden konnte, stachen Unbekannte Jackson vor einem Tonstudio nieder. Bei einer Schießerei am 24. Mai 2000 vor dem Haus seiner Großeltern trafen ihn neun Kugeln in Gesicht, Arme und Beine; er wurde jedoch schon nach 13 Tagen wieder aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen.[1] Seine Plattenfirma löste den Vertrag auf, um weitere Negativpresse zu vermeiden, und verschob die Veröffentlichung des Albums auf unbestimmte Zeit. Einige der für dieses Album bestimmten Stücke sind auf der 2002 veröffentlichten CD Guess who’s back zu hören.

Nach seiner Rückkehr in das Drogenmilieu wurde Jackson zum zweiten Mal entdeckt. Eminem nahm ihn 2002 bei seinem Label Shady Records (und gleichzeitig auch bei Aftermath Entertainment) unter Vertrag.

Sein 2003 veröffentlichtes Album Get Rich or Die Tryin' war in den USA mit 6,5 Millionen verkauften Exemplaren das erfolgreichste Album des Jahres. Weltweit verkaufte es sich zirka 12,5 Millionen Mal. In einem Fernsehinterview verriet Jackson, dass sein Lieblingstitel „Many Men“ ist. Mit diesem Lied könne er sich identifizieren, da viele Menschen ihn hassen würden, ihn töten wollten und dass das Leben im Ghetto sehr schwer sei. Am 8. März 2005 kam das zweite Album The Massacre in den Handel, das in zahlreichen Ländern Platz 1 der Albumhitparaden erreichte. Zudem hatten viele seiner Singles aus dem Album großen Erfolg (unter anderem Candy Shop mit Platz 1 in den US-amerikanischen Billboard Hot 100 und in den deutschen Media-Control-Charts. Zudem platzierten sich zwischen Februar und April gleichzeitig bis zu drei Singles seines Albums sowie zwei Singles von The Game an denen er beteiligt war – also bis zu fünf Songs mit seiner Beteiligung – in den US-Charts).

50 Cent mit Val Kilmer im Interview bei den American Music Awards 2009Im Sommer 2005 drehte 50 Cent einen autobiografischen Film, der sein Leben und seinen Werdegang zeigen soll. Dieser heißt wie sein bisher bestverkauftes Album Get Rich Or Die Tryin'. Die Dreharbeiten fanden in Kanada statt. Die Werbung für den Film wurde kontrovers diskutiert, da sie das Tragen von Schusswaffen verherrliche. Jacksons Film wurde in Deutschland am 12. Januar 2006 in den Kinos veröffentlicht. Das dazugehörige Album war seit dem 15. November 2005 erhältlich. Die Kritiken zum Film waren überwiegend negativ.

Jackson ist der Gründer der Rap-Gruppe G Unit, die seit seinem Durchbruch als Solokünstler in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses gerückt ist. 2004 erschienen von dieser Gruppierung das gemeinsame Werk Beg For Mercy, Lloyd Banks Debütalbum The Hunger For More und Young Bucks Soloalbum Straight Outta Cashville. Die Alben erreichten hohe Verkaufszahlen. Im Jahr 2005 wurde The Documentary veröffentlicht, das erste Album des Rappers The Game. Dieser war ebenfalls ein Mitglied der G Unit, wurde aber nach einigem Hin und Her von Jackson der Gruppe verwiesen. Einziges weibliches Mitglied der G Unit war die R&B-Sängerin Olivia, die im Jahr 2007 ausstieg. Im August 2005 veröffentlichte das – bis vor kurzem noch inhaftierte – G-Unit-Mitglied Tony Yayo sein Debütalbum Thoughts Of A Predicate Felon. Jackson hat außerdem die G Unit ausgeweitet, indem er Mase, Mobb Deep, Spider Loc und MOP bei der G-Unit-Records unter Vertrag nahm. Am 11. September 2007 erschien sein drittes Soloalbum namens Curtis, welches sich zwar gut in den Charts platzieren konnte, aber in den Verkäufen lange nicht an den Erfolg der ersten beiden Alben anschließen konnte.

Sein viertes Studioalbum Before I Self Destruct erschien am 9. November 2009, nachdem das Veröffentlichungsdatum mehrere Male verschoben wurde. Neben Dr. Dre, der drei Lieder produzierte, und Havoc von Mobb Deep arbeiteten eher unbekannte Produzenten an dem Album. In den Billboard-Charts erreichte das Album Platz 5, in Deutschland Platz 36, in der Schweiz Platz 13 und in Österreich Platz 41.

Unternehmerische Tätigkeit
Unter dem Label G Unit vermarktet Jackson eine Bekleidungslinie, Handy-Klingeltöne, Computerspiele und Groschenromane. Im Gegenzug zu einem Werbevertrag mit der in New York beheimateten Getränkefirma Glaceau, welche für ihn in ihrer Vitaminwasser-Sparte das Getränk „Formula 50“ auf den Markt brachte, übernahm er einen Aktienanteil von 10 % an Glaceau. Im Mai 2007 wurde Glaceau Inc. von der Coca-Cola Corporation für 4,1 Milliarden US-Dollar übernommen, was dem Rapper einen Gewinn von mehr als 400 Millionen US-Dollar eingebracht haben soll.[2] Bereits zuvor wurde sein Vermögen auf 100 Millionen US-Dollar geschätzt; gemäß Forbes Magazine verdiente er allein im Jahr 2006 32 Millionen US-Dollar).[2] (2005: 19,7 Millionen US-Dollar[3]

→ Hauptartikel: 50 Cent/Diskografie
2003: Get Rich or Die Tryin'
2005: The Massacre
2007: Curtis
2009: Before I Self Destruct
2005: Get Rich or Die Tryin'
2006: Home of the Brave
2008: Kurzer Prozess – Righteous Kill (Righteous Kill)
2009: Dead Man Running
2009: Streets of Blood
2010: Twelve
2010: Caught in the Crossfire

American Music Award in den Kategorien Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Male Artist und Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Album (Get Rich or Die Tryin')
Goldene Schallplatte
1x Gold für Get Rich or Die Tryin' (Album)
1x Gold für In Da Club (Single)

Bravo Otto in Gold in der Kategorie HipHop International
Echo in der Kategorie Hip-Hop/R&B International
Brit Awards in der Kategorie International breakthrough act
Edison in der Kategorie Pop

American Music Award in der Kategorie Favorite Rap/Hip-Hop Album (The Massacre)
Bravo Otto in Gold in der Kategorie HipHop International
Goldene Schallplatte
1x Gold für Candy Shop (Single)
1x Gold und 1x Platin für The Massacre (Album)

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RE: Gäste-Ecke

in Gäste-Ecke 13.01.2011 21:34
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quelle ist wikipedia, keine copyrightverletzung

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RE: Gäste-Ecke

in Gäste-Ecke 13.01.2011 21:37
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50 CentFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search
"50 cent" redirects here. For the currency amount, see 50 cents.
"Curtis Jackson" redirects here. For other people with this name, see Curtis Jackson (disambiguation).
50 Cent

50 Cent in concert, 2007
Background information
Birth name Curtis James Jackson III
Born July 6, 1975 (1975-07-06) (age 35)
Origin South Jamaica, Queens, New York, United States
Genres Hip hop, gangsta rap
Occupations Rapper, actor, entrepreneur, executive producer
Years active 1997–present
Labels G-Unit records/Shady Records/Aftermath Entertainment/Interscope Records
Associated acts G-Unit, Game, Dr. Dre, Eminem, Sha Money XL, Lloyd Banks, Tony Yayo
Website 50cent.com

Curtis James Jackson III (born July 6, 1975), better known by his stage name 50 Cent, is an American rapper and actor. He rose to fame with the release of his albums Get Rich or Die Tryin' (2003) and The Massacre (2005). Get Rich or Die Tryin has been certified eight times platinum by the RIAA[1] and has sold over 15 million copies worldwide.[2] His album The Massacre has been certified five times platinum by the RIAA[1] and has sold 11 million copies worldwide.[3]

Born in South Jamaica, Queens, Jackson began drug dealing at the age of twelve during the 1980s crack epidemic.[4] After leaving drug dealing to pursue a rap career, he was shot at and struck by nine bullets during an incident in 2000. After releasing his album Guess Who's Back? in 2002, Jackson was discovered by rapper Eminem and signed to Interscope Records. With the help of Eminem and Dr. Dre, who produced his first major commercial successes, Jackson became one of the world's highest selling rappers. In 2003, he founded the record label G-Unit Records, which signed several successful rappers such as Young Buck, Lloyd Banks, and Tony Yayo.

Jackson has engaged in feuds with other rappers including Ja Rule, Fat Joe, Jadakiss, Cam'ron, Rick Ross, and former G-Unit members The Game and Young Buck. He has also pursued an acting career, appearing in the semi-autobiographical film Get Rich or Die Tryin' in 2005, the Iraq War film Home of the Brave in 2006, and Righteous Kill in 2008. 50 Cent was ranked as the 6th best artist of the 2000-2009 decade by Billboard magazine. The magazine also ranked him as the 4th Top male artist and as the 3rd Top rapper behind Eminem and Nelly.[5] Billboard magazine also ranked him as the 6th best and most successful Hot 100 Artist of the 2000-2009 decade[6] and as the #1 Rap Song Artist of the 2000-2009 decade.[7] Billboard ranked his album Get Rich or Die Tryin' as the 12th best album of the 2000-2009 decade[8] and his album The Massacre as the 37th best album of the 2000-2009 decade.[9]

Contents [hide]
1 Life and music career
1.1 Early life
1.2 1996–2000: Early career
1.3 2000–01: Shooting
1.4 2002–2009: Rise to fame
1.5 2010–present: New direction
2 Non-musical projects
3 Personal life
4 Feuds
4.1 How To Rob
4.2 Murder Inc.
4.3 New York rappers
4.4 The Game
4.5 Rick Ross
4.6 Lil Wayne
4.7 Young Buck
5 Lawsuit
6 Discography
7 Awards and nominations
8 Filmography
9 References
10 External links

Life and music careerEarly lifeCurtis Jackson III grew up in the South Jamaica neighborhood of Queens, in New York City. He grew up without a father and was raised by his mother, Sabrina, who gave birth to him at the age of fifteen. Sabrina, a cocaine dealer, raised Jackson until the age of twelve, when she was murdered in 1988. Twenty-seven at the time, she became unconscious after someone drugged her drink. She was then left for dead after the gas in her apartment was turned on and the windows shut closed.[10][11] After her death, Jackson moved into his grandparents' house with his eight aunts and uncles.[12][13][14] He recalls, "My grandmother told me, 'Your mother's not coming home. She's not gonna come back to pick you up. You're gonna stay with us now.' That's when I started adjusting to the streets a little bit".[15]

Jackson's mug shot, August 23, 1994Jackson began boxing around the age of eleven. At fourteen, a neighbor opened a boxing gym for local kids. "When I wasn't killing time in school, I was sparring in the gym or selling crack on the strip", he recalled.[16] In the mid 1980s, he competed in the Junior Olympics as an amateur boxer. He recounts, "I was competitive in the ring and hip-hop is competitive too... I think rappers condition themselves like boxers, so they all kind of feel like they're the champ".[17] At the age of twelve, Jackson began dealing narcotics when his grandparents thought he was at after-school programs.[18] He also took guns and drug money to school. In the tenth grade, he was caught by metal detectors at Andrew Jackson High School. He later stated, "I was embarrassed that I got arrested like that... After I got arrested I stopped hiding it. I was telling my grandmother [openly], 'I sell drugs.'"[15]

On June 29, 1994, Jackson was arrested for helping to sell four vials of cocaine to an undercover police officer. He was arrested again three weeks later when police searched his home and found heroin, ten ounces of crack cocaine, and a starter gun. He was sentenced to three to nine years in prison, but managed to serve six months in a shock incarceration boot camp where he earned his GED. Jackson said that he did not use cocaine himself, he only sold it.[12][19][20] He adopted the nickname "50 Cent" as a metaphor for "change".[21] The name was derived from Kelvin Martin, a 1980s Brooklyn robber known as "50 Cent". Jackson chose the name "because it says everything I want it to say. I'm the same kind of person 50 Cent was. I provide for myself by any means".[22]

1996–2000: Early careerJackson started rapping in a friend's basement where he used turntables to record over instrumentals.[23] In 1996, a friend introduced him to Jam Master Jay of Run-DMC who was organizing his label Jam Master Jay Records. Jay taught him how to count bars, write choruses, structure songs, and how to make a record.[24][25] Jackson's first official appearance was on a song titled "React" with the group Onyx on their 1998 album Shut 'Em Down. He credited Jam Master Jay as an influence who helped him improve his ability to write hooks.[17] Jay produced Jackson's first album; however, it was never released.[10] In 1999, after leaving Jam Master Jay, the platinum-selling producers Trackmasters took notice of Jackson and signed him to Columbia Records. They sent him to a studio in Upstate New York where he produced thirty-six songs in two weeks.[11] Eighteen were included on his unofficially released album, Power of the Dollar in 2000.[26] He also started the now-defunct Hollow Point Entertainment with former G-Unit affiliate Bang 'Em Smurf.[27][28]

"How to Rob"
50 Cent's first underground single in which he comically describes robbing celebrity musicians.


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Jackson's popularity started to increase after the successful but controversial underground single, "How to Rob", which he wrote in half an hour while in a car on the way to a studio.[21][29] The track comically explains how he would rob famous artists. He explained the reasoning behind song's content as, "There's a hundred artists on that label, you gotta separate yourself from that group and make yourself relevant".[21] Rappers Jay-Z, Kurupt, Sticky Fingaz, Big Pun, DMX, Wyclef Jean and the Wu-Tang Clan replied to the song[29] and Nas, who received the track positively, invited Jackson to travel on a promotional tour for his Nastradamus album.[14] The song was intended to be released with "Thug Love" featuring Destiny's Child, but two days before he was scheduled to film the "Thug Love" music video, Jackson was shot and confined to a hospital due to his injuries.[30]

2000–01: ShootingOn April 24, 2000, Jackson was attacked by a gunman, alleged to be Darryl "Hommo" Baum, outside his grandmother's former home in South Jamaica, Queens. He went into a friend's car, but was asked to return to the house to get jewelry. His son was in the house, while his grandmother was in the front yard.[11] Upon returning to the back seat of the car, another car pulled up nearby. An assailant then walked up to Jackson's left side with a 9mm handgun and fired nine shots at close range. He was shot nine times: in the hand (a round hit his right thumb and came out of his little finger), arm, hip, both legs, chest, and left cheek.[10][15][31] The face wound resulted in a swollen tongue, the loss of a wisdom tooth, and a small slur in his voice.[14][15][32] His friend also sustained a gunshot wound to the hand. They were driven to the hospital where Jackson spent thirteen days. Baum, the alleged shooter, was killed three weeks later.[33] Baum was also Mike Tyson's close friend and bodyguard.[34]

Jackson recalled the incident saying, "It happens so fast that you don't even get a chance to shoot back.... I was scared the whole time.... I was looking in the rear-view mirror like, 'Oh shit, somebody shot me in the face! It burns, burns, burns.'"[15] In his autobiography, From Pieces to Weight: Once upon a Time in Southside Queens, he wrote, "After I got shot nine times at close range and didn't die, I started to think that I must have a purpose in life... How much more damage could that shell have done? Give me an inch in this direction or that one, and I'm gone".[12] He used a walker for the first six weeks and fully recovered after five months. When he left the hospital, he stayed in the Poconos with his then-girlfriend and son. His workout regime helped him attain his muscular physique.[10][15][35]

While in the hospital, Jackson signed a publishing deal with Columbia Records. However, he was dropped from the label and "blacklisted" in the recording industry because of his song "Ghetto Qu'ran". Unable to find a studio to work with in the U.S, he traveled to Canada.[36][37] Along with his business partner Sha Money XL, he recorded over thirty songs for mixtapes, with the purpose of building a reputation. According to Shady Records A&R Marc Labelle in an interview with HitQuarters, Jackson shrewdly used the mixtape circuit to his own advantage saying, "He took all the hottest beats from every artist and flipped them with better hooks. They then got into all the markets on the mixtapes and all the mixtape DJs were messing with them."[38] Jackson's popularity rose and in 2002, he released material independently on the mixtape, Guess Who's Back?. Beginning to attract interest, and now backed by G-Unit, Jackson continued to release music including 50 Cent Is the Future. The mixtape revisited material by Jay-Z and Raphael Saadiq.[26]

2002–2009: Rise to fame "In da Club"
The breakthrough single from Get Rich or Die Tryin'.


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In 2002, Eminem listened to a copy of Jackson's Guess Who's Back? CD. He received the CD through Jackson's attorney, who was working with Eminem's manager Paul Rosenberg.[30] Impressed with the album, Eminem invited Jackson to fly to Los Angeles, where he was introduced to Dr. Dre.[10][24][30] After signing a $1 million record deal,[24] Jackson released the mixtape, No Mercy, No Fear. It featured one new track, "Wanksta", which was put on Eminem's 8 Mile soundtrack.[26] He was also signed to Chris Lighty's Violator Management and Sha Money XL's Money Management Group.

In February 2003, Jackson released his commercial debut album, Get Rich or Die Tryin'. Allmusic described it as "probably the most hyped debut album by a rap artist in about a decade".[39] Rolling Stone noted the album for its "dark synth grooves, buzzy keyboards and a persistently funky bounce" with Jackson complementing the production in "an unflappable, laid-back flow".[40] It debuted at number one on the Billboard 200, selling 872,000 copies in the first four days.[41] The lead single, "In da Club", which The Source noted for its "blaring horns, funky organs, guitar riffs and sparse hand claps",[42] broke a Billboard record as the most listened-to song in radio history within a week.[43]

50 Cent at a show in Stockholm, June 2009Interscope granted Jackson his own label, G-Unit Records in 2003.[44] He signed Lloyd Banks, Tony Yayo, and Young Buck as the established members of G-Unit. The Game was later signed under a joint venture with Dr. Dre's Aftermath Entertainment. In March 2005, Jackson's second commercial album, The Massacre, sold 1.14 million copies in the first four days-the highest in an abbreviated sales cycle[41]- and peaked at number one on the Billboard 200 for six weeks.[45] He became the first solo artist to have three singles on the Billboard top five in the same week with "Candy Shop", "Disco Inferno", and "How We Do".[46] Rolling Stone noted that "50's secret weapon is his singing voice - the deceptively amateur-sounding tenor croon that he deploys on almost every chorus".[47]

From left: With Olivia, Lloyd Banks, and Young Buck in Bangkok, Thailand, February 2006After The Game's departure, Jackson signed singer Olivia and rap veterans Mobb Deep to G-Unit Records. Spider Loc, M.O.P., 40 Glocc and Young Hot Rod later joined the label.[48][49] Jackson expressed interest in working with rappers outside of G-Unit, such as Lil' Scrappy of BME, LL Cool J from Def Jam, Mase from Bad Boy, and Freeway of Roc-A-Fella, some of whom he recorded with.[50] In September 2007, he released his third album Curtis, which was inspired by his life before Get Rich or Die Tryin'.[51] It debuted at number two on the Billboard 200, selling 691,000 units in the first week,[52] behind Kanye West's Graduation, whom he had a sales competition with, as both albums were released on the same day. He confirmed on TRL on September 10, 2008 that his fourth studio album, Before I Self Destruct, will be "done and released in November". On May 18, 2009, Jackson released a song entitled "Ok, You're Right". The song was produced by Dr. Dre and will be included in Before I Self Destruct. In Fall 2009, 50 Cent appeared in the new season of VH1's Behind The Music. On September 3, 2009 months upon the release of his "Before I Self Destruct" album 50 Cent posted a video [53] for the Soundkillers' Phoenix [54] produced track "Flight 187" which introduced his mixtape, the 50th LAW, and was also featured as a bonus track on his iTunes release of Before I Self Destruct. The song ignited speculation that there was tension between rapper 50 Cent and Jay Z for Jackson's comments in the song.[55]

2010–present: New directionIn an interview with the British entertainment website ContactMusic, 50 Cent announced that he was working on a dance (primarily Eurodance) album named Black Magic. 50 Cent said he was inspired by the European nightclubs. "First they played hip-hop which suddenly changed to uptempo songs, known as Eurodance".[56] Later however, he confirmed that he had shelved Black Magic in favor of writing new material that did not fit the concept of Black Magic. He did confirm that he is working on his yet-to-be-titled fifth studio album.[57][58]

He went on The Invitation Tour in the summer of 2010, in support of Before I Self Destruct album, and the shelved Black Magic album. On September 3, 50 Cent showed support to longtime mentor Eminem, and appeared on his and Jay-Z's Home & Home Tour, performing hit songs such as "Crack A Bottle," alongside his longtime mentors Eminem and Dr. Dre, amidst rumors that 50 was no longer working with Dre.[59][60]

50 Cent appeared on Michael Jackson's posthumous album Michael. He co-wrote and rapped on the song "Monster."

50 Cent recently discussed his next album while on the set of Jeremih's new music video. Referring to recent leaks as "ideas," the G-Unit leader says the new project is his "Detox Album" and it "may take ten years." He also says that he "recorded 20 songs to a whole different album concept" before he put those to the side and did something different. Planning to record and write until it feels perfect, 50 says that "its important to put out the right sound for that moment." 50 Cent finished up with a little self-confidence saying simply, "there is no one in Hip Hop that possesses the ability to do what I do."[61]

Non-musical projectsJackson has established himself in a variety of fields. In November 2003, he signed a five year deal with Reebok to distribute a "G-Unit Sneakers" line as part of his G-Unit Clothing Company.[62][63] He provided the voice-over as the protagonist in the video game, 50 Cent: Bulletproof, which was released for PlayStation 2, Xbox, and the PlayStation Portable. Its sequel, 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand, was released in early 2009.[64][65] He worked with Glacéau to create a Vitamin Water drink called Formula 50. In 2007, Coca-Cola purchased Glacéau for US$4.1 billion. Forbes estimated Jackson, who owns a stake in the company, earned $100 million from the deal after taxes.[66] He has teamed up with Right Guard to launched a body spray called Pure 50 RGX Body Spray and a condom line called Magic Stick Condoms,[67] in which he planned to donate part of the proceeds to HIV awareness.[68] Jackson has signed a multi-year deal with Steiner Sports to sell his memorabilia.[69]

In 2005, Jackson made a cameo appearance on The Simpsons episode "Pranksta Rap", in which he makes light of his legal troubles. The same year, he starred alongside Terrence Howard in the semi-autobiographical film Get Rich or Die Tryin'. He starred in the 2006 film, Home of the Brave, as a soldier returning home from the Iraq War, traumatized after killing an Iraqi woman.[70] Jackson is working on a role as a fighter in an Angola State Prison in Spectacular Regret alongside Nicolas Cage, and starred opposite Al Pacino and Robert De Niro in 2008's Righteous Kill, a movie regarding a police death.[71] He also started the film production companies G-Unit Films in 2007 and Cheetah Vision in 2008.[72][73] In August 2007, Jackson announced plans to launch a dietary supplement company in conjunction with his movie Spectacular Regret.[74]

50 Cent with Val Kilmer at the AMAs 2009In August, 2005, shortly before appearing in Get Rich or Die Tryin', Jackson published an autobiography entitled From Pieces to Weight: Once upon a Time in Southside Queens. In it Jackson explores the cultural and economic forces that led him to sell cocaine and crack, details his entrepreneurship as a drug-dealer and then as a rapper, and reflects on his own ethos and on society. On January 4, 2007, Jackson launched his G-Unit Books imprint at the Time Warner Building.[75] He also co-wrote The Ski Mask Way, a novel about a small-time drug dealer who attempts to rob his employers, which is to be turned into a film.[68] Jackson said he read Robert Greene's The 33 Strategies of War and worked with the author on a book titled The 50th Law, an urban take on The 48 Laws of Power.[68][76] In May 2008, Jackson met billionaire Patrice Motsepe to forge a joint venture selling 50 Cent-branded platinum.[77]

In 2008, Jackson started a reality television show on MTV titled 50 Cent: The Money and the Power; the winning contestant, Ryan Mayberry, won a $100,000 investment from Jackson.[78]

In 2010, Jackson's film company Cheetah Vision landed $200 million in funding.[79]

Personal lifeOn October 13, 1997, Jackson's then-girlfriend Shaniqua Tompkins gave birth to a son, Marquise Jackson.[4][80] Tompkins later sued Jackson for $50 million dollars, claiming that he said that he would take care of her for life; the suit, which includes 15 claims was later dismissed by a judge, calling it "an unfortunate tale of a love relationship gone sour."[81] As of February 2009, Tompkins' and her lawyer are considering an appeal.[82]

The birth of his son changed Jackson's outlook on life: "When my son came into my life, my priorities changed, because I wanted to have the relationship with him, that I didn't have with my father."[83] He credited his son for inspiring his career and being "motivation to go in a different direction".[84]

Jackson has a tattoo of "Marquise" with an axe on his right biceps. "The axe is 'cause I'm a warrior. I don't want him to be one, though,"[37] he explains. He also has "50", "Southside", and "Cold World" inscribed on his back because "I'm a product of that environment. It's on my back, though, so it's all behind me."[37] Jackson dated actress Vivica A. Fox in 2003. After a few months, he announced their split up on The Howard Stern Show when pictures from a photo shoot they did ended up on the cover of Today's Black Woman magazine without his knowledge.[85][86]

In 2005, Jackson expressed support for President George W. Bush after rapper Kanye West criticized him for the slow response in assisting the Hurricane Katrina victims.[87] If his felony convictions did not prevent him from voting, he claimed he would have voted for Bush.[88] He later stated that Bush "has less compassion than the average human. By all means, I don't aspire to be like George Bush."[89]

In 2007, Forbes recognized Jackson for his wealth, placing him second behind Jay-Z in the rap industry.[90] He resides in Farmington, Connecticut, in the former mansion of ex-boxer Mike Tyson.[91] He put the mansion for sale at $18.5 million to move closer to his son who lives in Long Island with his ex-girlfriend.[92] On October 12, 2007, the Mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut declared it "50 Cent Curtis Jackson Day". He was honored with a key to the city and an official proclamation.[93] One of his homes in New York purchased for 2.4 million dollars in January 2007 and at the center of a lawsuit between Jackson and ex-girlfriend Shaniqua Tompkins caught fire on May 31, 2008 while he was out of town filming for a movie in Louisiana.[94]

In December 2008 50 told the Canadian press that he had been affected by the recession, losing several million dollars on the stock market. He also went on to say that he had been unable to sell his Connecticut mansion and pushed Before I Self-Destruct back because of the recent economic downturn.[95]

In November 2009, 50 Cent won in a lawsuit against Taco Bell over the fast food chain using his name to promote the brand without his permission.[96]

Feuds A concern has been raised that this article's Criticism section may be compromising the article's neutral point of view of the subject. Possible resolutions may be to integrate the material in the section into the article as a whole, or to rewrite the contents of the section. Please see the discussion on the talk page. (June 2009)

How To Rob50 Cent said that he intended the single to be a joke, and not meant to disrespect anybody. Nevertheless, a number of rappers mentioned on the song responded on record. The comments made towards the Wu-Tang Clan were responded to on the Ghostface Killah album Supreme Clientele on a track called "Ghost Deini" and even more directly on a skit called "Clyde Smith" which included one of the Wu-Tang Clan members talking about how they intended to harm the rapper, which is identifiable as Raekwon when the track is sped up. A supposed diss song, "Who the Fuck Is 50 Cent", which circulated the web in the beginning of 2001 was rumored to be by the Clan, but was proven to be recorded by Polite of American Cream Team (Raekwon's then-side project).

Jay-Z also reacted to the comments in the track called "It's Hot (Some Like It Hot)", off the album Vol. 3: Life and Times of S. Carter:

"Go against Jigga yo' ass is dense
I'm about a dollar, what the fuck is 50 Cents?"

Sticky Fingaz responded to the diss with the track "Jackin' for Beats."

"The real 50 from Brooklyn god bless he got outed
You just a fake clown who front and rout about it."

Big Pun responds to this track on his album Yeeeah Baby, in the song "My Turn."

"And to the 50 Cent Rapper, very funny -- get your nut off, 'cuz in real life, we all know I'd blow your motherfucking head off...If I'm gonna write a song, it'll be about how I had to beat your mothafuckin' ass. And that'll be the name of the motherfucker: 'That's Why I Had To Beat Your Motherfucking Ass', featuring Tony Sunshine."

Kurupt responded on the diss track "Callin' Out Names."

"Now it's 50 mc's that ain't worth shit
Get ya ass kicked 50 times, beat to 10 cent"

Wyclef Jean responded on the song "Low Income", from his 2000 album, The Ecleftic.

"I stay so hungry that if 50 Cent came to rob me
he'd be part of my charity."

Murder Inc.Before signing with Interscope, Jackson engaged in a well-publicized dispute with rapper Ja Rule and his label The Inc. Records. Jackson claims that a friend robbed Ja Rule of his jewelry and that Ja Rule accused him of setting it up.[85] However, Ja Rule claimed the conflict stemmed from a video shoot in Queens because Jackson did not like seeing him "getting so much love" from the neighborhood.[97] In March 2000, while at The Hit Factory studio in New York, Jackson had an altercation with Murder Inc. associates. He was treated for three stitches after receiving a stab wound.[85][98] Rapper Black Child claimed responsibility for the stabbing, saying he acted in self-defense because he thought someone reached for a gun.[99]

An affidavit by an IRS agent suggested that Murder Inc. had ties to Kenneth "Supreme" McGriff, a New York drug lord who was suspected of being involved in the murder of Jam Master Jay and the shooting of Jackson. An excerpt of the affidavit read:

The investigation has uncovered a conspiracy involving McGriff and others to murder a rap artist who has released songs containing lyrics regarding McGriff's criminal activities. The rap artist was shot in 2000, survived and thereafter refused to cooperate with law enforcement regarding the shooting. Messages transmitted over the Murder Inc. pager indicate that McGriff is involved in an ongoing plot to kill this rap artist, and that he communicates with Murder Inc. employees concerning the target.[36]
The exchange of insultive tracks released from both parties culminated into Ja Rule releasing Blood in My Eye, which was an album that mostly insulted Jackson and Eminem. Ja Rule eventually tried to squash the feud with Jackson by using minister Louis Farrakhan in a televised interview. However, the attempt at peace lost credibility as the interview was scheduled a day before Blood in My Eye was released. As a result, most fans, along with Jackson, dismissed the interview as a blatant publicity stunt.

Ja Rule later released R.U.L.E. with the successful single, "New York", featuring Jadakiss and Fat Joe in which Ja Rule took subliminal shots at Jackson. This single prompted Jackson to enter a feud with the two featured artists. The feud died down in late 2004, when Eminem released "Like Toy Soldiers" which explains the recent feuding with Ja Rule and Benzino, to which Eminem ends the song offering a truce to his enemies. Although the feud was later resurrected in early 2005.

New York rappersBefore releasing The Massacre, Jackson recorded a song "Piggy Bank", a response to Ja Rule's song "New York", which was leaked before the album's release. The song takes aim at rappers including Fat Joe, Nas, and Jadakiss.[100] Fat Joe responded with a song, "My Fofo", accusing Jackson of taking steroids, hiding in his home, and being jealous of The Game. Jadakiss also responded with a song, "Checkmate", and said that Jackson was trying to "create a buzz for his new album".[101] The "Piggy Bank" music video portrays animated caricatures of Jadakiss (as a Ninja turtle), Fat Joe (as an overweight boxer who receives a knockout), Nas (as a kid chasing a "milkshake" truck in a Superman costume), and The Game (as Mr. Potato Head). He also disses all of them on the beef version of his single "Window Shopper"[102] Kelis, Nas's wife, responded to the song on her single "Bossy".[citation needed] Nas later responded with "Don't Body Ya Self (MC Burial)." Nas later dissed 50 on the song "Street Ridaz" on Game's mixtape "Brake Lights".

Jackson spoke negatively about Bad Boy Entertainment mogul Sean Combs and recorded a song, "Hip-Hop", revealing the reasons behind his negative feelings: primarily, a contract dispute over Mase. In the song, he implied that Diddy knew about The Notorious B.I.G.'s murder and threatened to expose him through former associates.[103] The feud was resolved, with both rappers appearing on MTV's TRL and Sucker Free, respectively, stating that there were no longer problems.[104] The feud reignited in 2010 with 50 Cent dissing Diddy, saying his music "sucks".

On February 1, 2007, Cam'ron and Jackson had a live argument on The Angie Martinez Show on Hot 97 radio. Jackson commented that Koch Entertainment was a "graveyard", meaning major record labels would not work with their artists.[105] Cam'ron then ridiculed the record sales of G-Unit members Lloyd Banks and Mobb Deep by stating that Jim Jones outsold their albums despite being signed to an independent label and that his group, The Diplomats, had a distribution deal from several labels.[105] Both rappers released "diss" songs with videos on YouTube. Jackson suggested in "Funeral Music" that Cam'ron is no longer able to lead The Diplomats and that Jim Jones should take his place. Cam'ron responded with "Curtis" and "Curtis Pt. II", in which he makes fun of Jackson's appearance, calling him "a gorilla, with rabbit teeth".[106] Jackson responded by releasing "Hold On" with Young Buck.

The GameMain article: G-Unit vs. The Game feud
Although he was close with The Game, before The Game released his debut album The Documentary, they soon became at odds. After its release, Jackson felt The Game was disloyal for saying he did not want to participate in G-Unit's feuds with other rappers and even wanting to work with artists they were feuding with. He also claimed that he wrote six songs on the album and was not receiving proper credit for his work, which The Game denied.[107]

"Not Rich, Still Lyin'"
A track in which he takes aim at The Game.


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Jackson later dismissed The Game from G-Unit on Hot 97 radio. After the announcement, The Game, who was a guest earlier in the evening, attempted to enter the building with his entourage. After being denied entry, one of his associates was shot in the leg during a confrontation with a group of men leaving the building.[108][109] When the situation escalated, both rappers held a press conference to announce their reconciliation.

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50 CentFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaJump to: navigation, search
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50 Cent

50 Cent in concert, 2007
Background information
Birth name Curtis James Jackson III
Born July 6, 1975 (1975-07-06) (age 35)
Origin South Jamaica, Queens, New York, United States
Genres Hip hop, gangsta rap
Occupations Rapper, actor, entrepreneur, executive producer
Years active 1997–present
Labels G-Unit records/Shady Records/Aftermath Entertainment/Interscope Records
Associated acts G-Unit, Game, Dr. Dre, Eminem, Sha Money XL, Lloyd Banks, Tony Yayo
Website 50cent.com

Curtis James Jackson III (born July 6, 1975), better known by his stage name 50 Cent, is an American rapper and actor. He rose to fame with the release of his albums Get Rich or Die Tryin' (2003) and The Massacre (2005). Get Rich or Die Tryin has been certified eight times platinum by the RIAA[1] and has sold over 15 million copies worldwide.[2] His album The Massacre has been certified five times platinum by the RIAA[1] and has sold 11 million copies worldwide.[3]

Born in South Jamaica, Queens, Jackson began drug dealing at the age of twelve during the 1980s crack epidemic.[4] After leaving drug dealing to pursue a rap career, he was shot at and struck by nine bullets during an incident in 2000. After releasing his album Guess Who's Back? in 2002, Jackson was discovered by rapper Eminem and signed to Interscope Records. With the help of Eminem and Dr. Dre, who produced his first major commercial successes, Jackson became one of the world's highest selling rappers. In 2003, he founded the record label G-Unit Records, which signed several successful rappers such as Young Buck, Lloyd Banks, and Tony Yayo.

Jackson has engaged in feuds with other rappers including Ja Rule, Fat Joe, Jadakiss, Cam'ron, Rick Ross, and former G-Unit members The Game and Young Buck. He has also pursued an acting career, appearing in the semi-autobiographical film Get Rich or Die Tryin' in 2005, the Iraq War film Home of the Brave in 2006, and Righteous Kill in 2008. 50 Cent was ranked as the 6th best artist of the 2000-2009 decade by Billboard magazine. The magazine also ranked him as the 4th Top male artist and as the 3rd Top rapper behind Eminem and Nelly.[5] Billboard magazine also ranked him as the 6th best and most successful Hot 100 Artist of the 2000-2009 decade[6] and as the #1 Rap Song Artist of the 2000-2009 decade.[7] Billboard ranked his album Get Rich or Die Tryin' as the 12th best album of the 2000-2009 decade[8] and his album The Massacre as the 37th best album of the 2000-2009 decade.[9]

Contents [hide]
1 Life and music career
1.1 Early life
1.2 1996–2000: Early career
1.3 2000–01: Shooting
1.4 2002–2009: Rise to fame
1.5 2010–present: New direction
2 Non-musical projects
3 Personal life
4 Feuds
4.1 How To Rob
4.2 Murder Inc.
4.3 New York rappers
4.4 The Game
4.5 Rick Ross
4.6 Lil Wayne
4.7 Young Buck
5 Lawsuit
6 Discography
7 Awards and nominations
8 Filmography
9 References
10 External links

Life and music careerEarly lifeCurtis Jackson III grew up in the South Jamaica neighborhood of Queens, in New York City. He grew up without a father and was raised by his mother, Sabrina, who gave birth to him at the age of fifteen. Sabrina, a cocaine dealer, raised Jackson until the age of twelve, when she was murdered in 1988. Twenty-seven at the time, she became unconscious after someone drugged her drink. She was then left for dead after the gas in her apartment was turned on and the windows shut closed.[10][11] After her death, Jackson moved into his grandparents' house with his eight aunts and uncles.[12][13][14] He recalls, "My grandmother told me, 'Your mother's not coming home. She's not gonna come back to pick you up. You're gonna stay with us now.' That's when I started adjusting to the streets a little bit".[15]

Jackson's mug shot, August 23, 1994Jackson began boxing around the age of eleven. At fourteen, a neighbor opened a boxing gym for local kids. "When I wasn't killing time in school, I was sparring in the gym or selling crack on the strip", he recalled.[16] In the mid 1980s, he competed in the Junior Olympics as an amateur boxer. He recounts, "I was competitive in the ring and hip-hop is competitive too... I think rappers condition themselves like boxers, so they all kind of feel like they're the champ".[17] At the age of twelve, Jackson began dealing narcotics when his grandparents thought he was at after-school programs.[18] He also took guns and drug money to school. In the tenth grade, he was caught by metal detectors at Andrew Jackson High School. He later stated, "I was embarrassed that I got arrested like that... After I got arrested I stopped hiding it. I was telling my grandmother [openly], 'I sell drugs.'"[15]

On June 29, 1994, Jackson was arrested for helping to sell four vials of cocaine to an undercover police officer. He was arrested again three weeks later when police searched his home and found heroin, ten ounces of crack cocaine, and a starter gun. He was sentenced to three to nine years in prison, but managed to serve six months in a shock incarceration boot camp where he earned his GED. Jackson said that he did not use cocaine himself, he only sold it.[12][19][20] He adopted the nickname "50 Cent" as a metaphor for "change".[21] The name was derived from Kelvin Martin, a 1980s Brooklyn robber known as "50 Cent". Jackson chose the name "because it says everything I want it to say. I'm the same kind of person 50 Cent was. I provide for myself by any means".[22]

1996–2000: Early careerJackson started rapping in a friend's basement where he used turntables to record over instrumentals.[23] In 1996, a friend introduced him to Jam Master Jay of Run-DMC who was organizing his label Jam Master Jay Records. Jay taught him how to count bars, write choruses, structure songs, and how to make a record.[24][25] Jackson's first official appearance was on a song titled "React" with the group Onyx on their 1998 album Shut 'Em Down. He credited Jam Master Jay as an influence who helped him improve his ability to write hooks.[17] Jay produced Jackson's first album; however, it was never released.[10] In 1999, after leaving Jam Master Jay, the platinum-selling producers Trackmasters took notice of Jackson and signed him to Columbia Records. They sent him to a studio in Upstate New York where he produced thirty-six songs in two weeks.[11] Eighteen were included on his unofficially released album, Power of the Dollar in 2000.[26] He also started the now-defunct Hollow Point Entertainment with former G-Unit affiliate Bang 'Em Smurf.[27][28]

"How to Rob"
50 Cent's first underground single in which he comically describes robbing celebrity musicians.


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Jackson's popularity started to increase after the successful but controversial underground single, "How to Rob", which he wrote in half an hour while in a car on the way to a studio.[21][29] The track comically explains how he would rob famous artists. He explained the reasoning behind song's content as, "There's a hundred artists on that label, you gotta separate yourself from that group and make yourself relevant".[21] Rappers Jay-Z, Kurupt, Sticky Fingaz, Big Pun, DMX, Wyclef Jean and the Wu-Tang Clan replied to the song[29] and Nas, who received the track positively, invited Jackson to travel on a promotional tour for his Nastradamus album.[14] The song was intended to be released with "Thug Love" featuring Destiny's Child, but two days before he was scheduled to film the "Thug Love" music video, Jackson was shot and confined to a hospital due to his injuries.[30]

2000–01: ShootingOn April 24, 2000, Jackson was attacked by a gunman, alleged to be Darryl "Hommo" Baum, outside his grandmother's former home in South Jamaica, Queens. He went into a friend's car, but was asked to return to the house to get jewelry. His son was in the house, while his grandmother was in the front yard.[11] Upon returning to the back seat of the car, another car pulled up nearby. An assailant then walked up to Jackson's left side with a 9mm handgun and fired nine shots at close range. He was shot nine times: in the hand (a round hit his right thumb and came out of his little finger), arm, hip, both legs, chest, and left cheek.[10][15][31] The face wound resulted in a swollen tongue, the loss of a wisdom tooth, and a small slur in his voice.[14][15][32] His friend also sustained a gunshot wound to the hand. They were driven to the hospital where Jackson spent thirteen days. Baum, the alleged shooter, was killed three weeks later.[33] Baum was also Mike Tyson's close friend and bodyguard.[34]

Jackson recalled the incident saying, "It happens so fast that you don't even get a chance to shoot back.... I was scared the whole time.... I was looking in the rear-view mirror like, 'Oh shit, somebody shot me in the face! It burns, burns, burns.'"[15] In his autobiography, From Pieces to Weight: Once upon a Time in Southside Queens, he wrote, "After I got shot nine times at close range and didn't die, I started to think that I must have a purpose in life... How much more damage could that shell have done? Give me an inch in this direction or that one, and I'm gone".[12] He used a walker for the first six weeks and fully recovered after five months. When he left the hospital, he stayed in the Poconos with his then-girlfriend and son. His workout regime helped him attain his muscular physique.[10][15][35]

While in the hospital, Jackson signed a publishing deal with Columbia Records. However, he was dropped from the label and "blacklisted" in the recording industry because of his song "Ghetto Qu'ran". Unable to find a studio to work with in the U.S, he traveled to Canada.[36][37] Along with his business partner Sha Money XL, he recorded over thirty songs for mixtapes, with the purpose of building a reputation. According to Shady Records A&R Marc Labelle in an interview with HitQuarters, Jackson shrewdly used the mixtape circuit to his own advantage saying, "He took all the hottest beats from every artist and flipped them with better hooks. They then got into all the markets on the mixtapes and all the mixtape DJs were messing with them."[38] Jackson's popularity rose and in 2002, he released material independently on the mixtape, Guess Who's Back?. Beginning to attract interest, and now backed by G-Unit, Jackson continued to release music including 50 Cent Is the Future. The mixtape revisited material by Jay-Z and Raphael Saadiq.[26]

2002–2009: Rise to fame "In da Club"
The breakthrough single from Get Rich or Die Tryin'.


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In 2002, Eminem listened to a copy of Jackson's Guess Who's Back? CD. He received the CD through Jackson's attorney, who was working with Eminem's manager Paul Rosenberg.[30] Impressed with the album, Eminem invited Jackson to fly to Los Angeles, where he was introduced to Dr. Dre.[10][24][30] After signing a $1 million record deal,[24] Jackson released the mixtape, No Mercy, No Fear. It featured one new track, "Wanksta", which was put on Eminem's 8 Mile soundtrack.[26] He was also signed to Chris Lighty's Violator Management and Sha Money XL's Money Management Group.

In February 2003, Jackson released his commercial debut album, Get Rich or Die Tryin'. Allmusic described it as "probably the most hyped debut album by a rap artist in about a decade".[39] Rolling Stone noted the album for its "dark synth grooves, buzzy keyboards and a persistently funky bounce" with Jackson complementing the production in "an unflappable, laid-back flow".[40] It debuted at number one on the Billboard 200, selling 872,000 copies in the first four days.[41] The lead single, "In da Club", which The Source noted for its "blaring horns, funky organs, guitar riffs and sparse hand claps",[42] broke a Billboard record as the most listened-to song in radio history within a week.[43]

50 Cent at a show in Stockholm, June 2009Interscope granted Jackson his own label, G-Unit Records in 2003.[44] He signed Lloyd Banks, Tony Yayo, and Young Buck as the established members of G-Unit. The Game was later signed under a joint venture with Dr. Dre's Aftermath Entertainment. In March 2005, Jackson's second commercial album, The Massacre, sold 1.14 million copies in the first four days-the highest in an abbreviated sales cycle[41]- and peaked at number one on the Billboard 200 for six weeks.[45] He became the first solo artist to have three singles on the Billboard top five in the same week with "Candy Shop", "Disco Inferno", and "How We Do".[46] Rolling Stone noted that "50's secret weapon is his singing voice - the deceptively amateur-sounding tenor croon that he deploys on almost every chorus".[47]

From left: With Olivia, Lloyd Banks, and Young Buck in Bangkok, Thailand, February 2006After The Game's departure, Jackson signed singer Olivia and rap veterans Mobb Deep to G-Unit Records. Spider Loc, M.O.P., 40 Glocc and Young Hot Rod later joined the label.[48][49] Jackson expressed interest in working with rappers outside of G-Unit, such as Lil' Scrappy of BME, LL Cool J from Def Jam, Mase from Bad Boy, and Freeway of Roc-A-Fella, some of whom he recorded with.[50] In September 2007, he released his third album Curtis, which was inspired by his life before Get Rich or Die Tryin'.[51] It debuted at number two on the Billboard 200, selling 691,000 units in the first week,[52] behind Kanye West's Graduation, whom he had a sales competition with, as both albums were released on the same day. He confirmed on TRL on September 10, 2008 that his fourth studio album, Before I Self Destruct, will be "done and released in November". On May 18, 2009, Jackson released a song entitled "Ok, You're Right". The song was produced by Dr. Dre and will be included in Before I Self Destruct. In Fall 2009, 50 Cent appeared in the new season of VH1's Behind The Music. On September 3, 2009 months upon the release of his "Before I Self Destruct" album 50 Cent posted a video [53] for the Soundkillers' Phoenix [54] produced track "Flight 187" which introduced his mixtape, the 50th LAW, and was also featured as a bonus track on his iTunes release of Before I Self Destruct. The song ignited speculation that there was tension between rapper 50 Cent and Jay Z for Jackson's comments in the song.[55]

2010–present: New directionIn an interview with the British entertainment website ContactMusic, 50 Cent announced that he was working on a dance (primarily Eurodance) album named Black Magic. 50 Cent said he was inspired by the European nightclubs. "First they played hip-hop which suddenly changed to uptempo songs, known as Eurodance".[56] Later however, he confirmed that he had shelved Black Magic in favor of writing new material that did not fit the concept of Black Magic. He did confirm that he is working on his yet-to-be-titled fifth studio album.[57][58]

He went on The Invitation Tour in the summer of 2010, in support of Before I Self Destruct album, and the shelved Black Magic album. On September 3, 50 Cent showed support to longtime mentor Eminem, and appeared on his and Jay-Z's Home & Home Tour, performing hit songs such as "Crack A Bottle," alongside his longtime mentors Eminem and Dr. Dre, amidst rumors that 50 was no longer working with Dre.[59][60]

50 Cent appeared on Michael Jackson's posthumous album Michael. He co-wrote and rapped on the song "Monster."

50 Cent recently discussed his next album while on the set of Jeremih's new music video. Referring to recent leaks as "ideas," the G-Unit leader says the new project is his "Detox Album" and it "may take ten years." He also says that he "recorded 20 songs to a whole different album concept" before he put those to the side and did something different. Planning to record and write until it feels perfect, 50 says that "its important to put out the right sound for that moment." 50 Cent finished up with a little self-confidence saying simply, "there is no one in Hip Hop that possesses the ability to do what I do."[61]

Non-musical projectsJackson has established himself in a variety of fields. In November 2003, he signed a five year deal with Reebok to distribute a "G-Unit Sneakers" line as part of his G-Unit Clothing Company.[62][63] He provided the voice-over as the protagonist in the video game, 50 Cent: Bulletproof, which was released for PlayStation 2, Xbox, and the PlayStation Portable. Its sequel, 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand, was released in early 2009.[64][65] He worked with Glacéau to create a Vitamin Water drink called Formula 50. In 2007, Coca-Cola purchased Glacéau for US$4.1 billion. Forbes estimated Jackson, who owns a stake in the company, earned $100 million from the deal after taxes.[66] He has teamed up with Right Guard to launched a body spray called Pure 50 RGX Body Spray and a condom line called Magic Stick Condoms,[67] in which he planned to donate part of the proceeds to HIV awareness.[68] Jackson has signed a multi-year deal with Steiner Sports to sell his memorabilia.[69]

In 2005, Jackson made a cameo appearance on The Simpsons episode "Pranksta Rap", in which he makes light of his legal troubles. The same year, he starred alongside Terrence Howard in the semi-autobiographical film Get Rich or Die Tryin'. He starred in the 2006 film, Home of the Brave, as a soldier returning home from the Iraq War, traumatized after killing an Iraqi woman.[70] Jackson is working on a role as a fighter in an Angola State Prison in Spectacular Regret alongside Nicolas Cage, and starred opposite Al Pacino and Robert De Niro in 2008's Righteous Kill, a movie regarding a police death.[71] He also started the film production companies G-Unit Films in 2007 and Cheetah Vision in 2008.[72][73] In August 2007, Jackson announced plans to launch a dietary supplement company in conjunction with his movie Spectacular Regret.[74]

50 Cent with Val Kilmer at the AMAs 2009In August, 2005, shortly before appearing in Get Rich or Die Tryin', Jackson published an autobiography entitled From Pieces to Weight: Once upon a Time in Southside Queens. In it Jackson explores the cultural and economic forces that led him to sell cocaine and crack, details his entrepreneurship as a drug-dealer and then as a rapper, and reflects on his own ethos and on society. On January 4, 2007, Jackson launched his G-Unit Books imprint at the Time Warner Building.[75] He also co-wrote The Ski Mask Way, a novel about a small-time drug dealer who attempts to rob his employers, which is to be turned into a film.[68] Jackson said he read Robert Greene's The 33 Strategies of War and worked with the author on a book titled The 50th Law, an urban take on The 48 Laws of Power.[68][76] In May 2008, Jackson met billionaire Patrice Motsepe to forge a joint venture selling 50 Cent-branded platinum.[77]

In 2008, Jackson started a reality television show on MTV titled 50 Cent: The Money and the Power; the winning contestant, Ryan Mayberry, won a $100,000 investment from Jackson.[78]

In 2010, Jackson's film company Cheetah Vision landed $200 million in funding.[79]

Personal lifeOn October 13, 1997, Jackson's then-girlfriend Shaniqua Tompkins gave birth to a son, Marquise Jackson.[4][80] Tompkins later sued Jackson for $50 million dollars, claiming that he said that he would take care of her for life; the suit, which includes 15 claims was later dismissed by a judge, calling it "an unfortunate tale of a love relationship gone sour."[81] As of February 2009, Tompkins' and her lawyer are considering an appeal.[82]

The birth of his son changed Jackson's outlook on life: "When my son came into my life, my priorities changed, because I wanted to have the relationship with him, that I didn't have with my father."[83] He credited his son for inspiring his career and being "motivation to go in a different direction".[84]

Jackson has a tattoo of "Marquise" with an axe on his right biceps. "The axe is 'cause I'm a warrior. I don't want him to be one, though,"[37] he explains. He also has "50", "Southside", and "Cold World" inscribed on his back because "I'm a product of that environment. It's on my back, though, so it's all behind me."[37] Jackson dated actress Vivica A. Fox in 2003. After a few months, he announced their split up on The Howard Stern Show when pictures from a photo shoot they did ended up on the cover of Today's Black Woman magazine without his knowledge.[85][86]

In 2005, Jackson expressed support for President George W. Bush after rapper Kanye West criticized him for the slow response in assisting the Hurricane Katrina victims.[87] If his felony convictions did not prevent him from voting, he claimed he would have voted for Bush.[88] He later stated that Bush "has less compassion than the average human. By all means, I don't aspire to be like George Bush."[89]

In 2007, Forbes recognized Jackson for his wealth, placing him second behind Jay-Z in the rap industry.[90] He resides in Farmington, Connecticut, in the former mansion of ex-boxer Mike Tyson.[91] He put the mansion for sale at $18.5 million to move closer to his son who lives in Long Island with his ex-girlfriend.[92] On October 12, 2007, the Mayor of Bridgeport, Connecticut declared it "50 Cent Curtis Jackson Day". He was honored with a key to the city and an official proclamation.[93] One of his homes in New York purchased for 2.4 million dollars in January 2007 and at the center of a lawsuit between Jackson and ex-girlfriend Shaniqua Tompkins caught fire on May 31, 2008 while he was out of town filming for a movie in Louisiana.[94]

In December 2008 50 told the Canadian press that he had been affected by the recession, losing several million dollars on the stock market. He also went on to say that he had been unable to sell his Connecticut mansion and pushed Before I Self-Destruct back because of the recent economic downturn.[95]

In November 2009, 50 Cent won in a lawsuit against Taco Bell over the fast food chain using his name to promote the brand without his permission.[96]

Feuds A concern has been raised that this article's Criticism section may be compromising the article's neutral point of view of the subject. Possible resolutions may be to integrate the material in the section into the article as a whole, or to rewrite the contents of the section. Please see the discussion on the talk page. (June 2009)

How To Rob50 Cent said that he intended the single to be a joke, and not meant to disrespect anybody. Nevertheless, a number of rappers mentioned on the song responded on record. The comments made towards the Wu-Tang Clan were responded to on the Ghostface Killah album Supreme Clientele on a track called "Ghost Deini" and even more directly on a skit called "Clyde Smith" which included one of the Wu-Tang Clan members talking about how they intended to harm the rapper, which is identifiable as Raekwon when the track is sped up. A supposed diss song, "Who the Fuck Is 50 Cent", which circulated the web in the beginning of 2001 was rumored to be by the Clan, but was proven to be recorded by Polite of American Cream Team (Raekwon's then-side project).

Jay-Z also reacted to the comments in the track called "It's Hot (Some Like It Hot)", off the album Vol. 3: Life and Times of S. Carter:

"Go against Jigga yo' ass is dense
I'm about a dollar, what the fuck is 50 Cents?"

Sticky Fingaz responded to the diss with the track "Jackin' for Beats."

"The real 50 from Brooklyn god bless he got outed
You just a fake clown who front and rout about it."

Big Pun responds to this track on his album Yeeeah Baby, in the song "My Turn."

"And to the 50 Cent Rapper, very funny -- get your nut off, 'cuz in real life, we all know I'd blow your motherfucking head off...If I'm gonna write a song, it'll be about how I had to beat your mothafuckin' ass. And that'll be the name of the motherfucker: 'That's Why I Had To Beat Your Motherfucking Ass', featuring Tony Sunshine."

Kurupt responded on the diss track "Callin' Out Names."

"Now it's 50 mc's that ain't worth shit
Get ya ass kicked 50 times, beat to 10 cent"

Wyclef Jean responded on the song "Low Income", from his 2000 album, The Ecleftic.

"I stay so hungry that if 50 Cent came to rob me
he'd be part of my charity."

Murder Inc.Before signing with Interscope, Jackson engaged in a well-publicized dispute with rapper Ja Rule and his label The Inc. Records. Jackson claims that a friend robbed Ja Rule of his jewelry and that Ja Rule accused him of setting it up.[85] However, Ja Rule claimed the conflict stemmed from a video shoot in Queens because Jackson did not like seeing him "getting so much love" from the neighborhood.[97] In March 2000, while at The Hit Factory studio in New York, Jackson had an altercation with Murder Inc. associates. He was treated for three stitches after receiving a stab wound.[85][98] Rapper Black Child claimed responsibility for the stabbing, saying he acted in self-defense because he thought someone reached for a gun.[99]

An affidavit by an IRS agent suggested that Murder Inc. had ties to Kenneth "Supreme" McGriff, a New York drug lord who was suspected of being involved in the murder of Jam Master Jay and the shooting of Jackson. An excerpt of the affidavit read:

The investigation has uncovered a conspiracy involving McGriff and others to murder a rap artist who has released songs containing lyrics regarding McGriff's criminal activities. The rap artist was shot in 2000, survived and thereafter refused to cooperate with law enforcement regarding the shooting. Messages transmitted over the Murder Inc. pager indicate that McGriff is involved in an ongoing plot to kill this rap artist, and that he communicates with Murder Inc. employees concerning the target.[36]
The exchange of insultive tracks released from both parties culminated into Ja Rule releasing Blood in My Eye, which was an album that mostly insulted Jackson and Eminem. Ja Rule eventually tried to squash the feud with Jackson by using minister Louis Farrakhan in a televised interview. However, the attempt at peace lost credibility as the interview was scheduled a day before Blood in My Eye was released. As a result, most fans, along with Jackson, dismissed the interview as a blatant publicity stunt.

Ja Rule later released R.U.L.E. with the successful single, "New York", featuring Jadakiss and Fat Joe in which Ja Rule took subliminal shots at Jackson. This single prompted Jackson to enter a feud with the two featured artists. The feud died down in late 2004, when Eminem released "Like Toy Soldiers" which explains the recent feuding with Ja Rule and Benzino, to which Eminem ends the song offering a truce to his enemies. Although the feud was later resurrected in early 2005.

New York rappersBefore releasing The Massacre, Jackson recorded a song "Piggy Bank", a response to Ja Rule's song "New York", which was leaked before the album's release. The song takes aim at rappers including Fat Joe, Nas, and Jadakiss.[100] Fat Joe responded with a song, "My Fofo", accusing Jackson of taking steroids, hiding in his home, and being jealous of The Game. Jadakiss also responded with a song, "Checkmate", and said that Jackson was trying to "create a buzz for his new album".[101] The "Piggy Bank" music video portrays animated caricatures of Jadakiss (as a Ninja turtle), Fat Joe (as an overweight boxer who receives a knockout), Nas (as a kid chasing a "milkshake" truck in a Superman costume), and The Game (as Mr. Potato Head). He also disses all of them on the beef version of his single "Window Shopper"[102] Kelis, Nas's wife, responded to the song on her single "Bossy".[citation needed] Nas later responded with "Don't Body Ya Self (MC Burial)." Nas later dissed 50 on the song "Street Ridaz" on Game's mixtape "Brake Lights".

Jackson spoke negatively about Bad Boy Entertainment mogul Sean Combs and recorded a song, "Hip-Hop", revealing the reasons behind his negative feelings: primarily, a contract dispute over Mase. In the song, he implied that Diddy knew about The Notorious B.I.G.'s murder and threatened to expose him through former associates.[103] The feud was resolved, with both rappers appearing on MTV's TRL and Sucker Free, respectively, stating that there were no longer problems.[104] The feud reignited in 2010 with 50 Cent dissing Diddy, saying his music "sucks".

On February 1, 2007, Cam'ron and Jackson had a live argument on The Angie Martinez Show on Hot 97 radio. Jackson commented that Koch Entertainment was a "graveyard", meaning major record labels would not work with their artists.[105] Cam'ron then ridiculed the record sales of G-Unit members Lloyd Banks and Mobb Deep by stating that Jim Jones outsold their albums despite being signed to an independent label and that his group, The Diplomats, had a distribution deal from several labels.[105] Both rappers released "diss" songs with videos on YouTube. Jackson suggested in "Funeral Music" that Cam'ron is no longer able to lead The Diplomats and that Jim Jones should take his place. Cam'ron responded with "Curtis" and "Curtis Pt. II", in which he makes fun of Jackson's appearance, calling him "a gorilla, with rabbit teeth".[106] Jackson responded by releasing "Hold On" with Young Buck.

The GameMain article: G-Unit vs. The Game feud
Although he was close with The Game, before The Game released his debut album The Documentary, they soon became at odds. After its release, Jackson felt The Game was disloyal for saying he did not want to participate in G-Unit's feuds with other rappers and even wanting to work with artists they were feuding with. He also claimed that he wrote six songs on the album and was not receiving proper credit for his work, which The Game denied.[107]

"Not Rich, Still Lyin'"
A track in which he takes aim at The Game.


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Jackson later dismissed The Game from G-Unit on Hot 97 radio. After the announcement, The Game, who was a guest earlier in the evening, attempted to enter the building with his entourage. After being denied entry, one of his associates was shot in the leg during a confrontation with a group of men leaving the building.[108][109] When the situation escalated, both rappers held a press conference to announce their reconciliation.[110] Fans had mixed feelings as to whether the rappers created a publicity stunt to boost the sales of the albums they had just released.[111] Nevertheless, even after the situation deflated,[112] G-Unit criticized The Game's street credibility. The group denounced The Game and announced that they will not be featured on his albums. During a Summer Jam performance, The Game launched a boycott of G-Unit called "G-Unot".[113]

After the performance at Summer Jam, The Game responded with "300 Bars and Runnin'", an extended "diss" aimed at G-Unit as well as members of Roc-A-Fella Records on the mixtape You Know What It Is Vol. 3. Jackson responded through his "Piggy Bank" music video, which features The Game as a Mr. Potato Head doll and also parodies other rivals.[114] Since then both groups continued to attack each other. The Game released two more mixtapes, Ghost Unit and a mixtape/DVD called Stop Snitchin, Stop Lyin.

Jackson posted a cover of The Game's head on the body of a male stripper for "Hate It or Love It (G-Unit Radio Part 21)" mixtape, as a response to The Game displaying pictures of G-Unit dressed as Village People.[115] Although he was signed to Aftermath Entertainment, The Game left the label and signed with Geffen Records to terminate his contractual obligations with G-Unit (although others claim Jackson pressured Dr. Dre to kick him off).[116] G-Unit member Spider Loc had also began to insult The Game on various songs. In addition, The Game released "240 Bars (Spider Joke)" and "100 Bars (The Funeral)" both attacking G-Unit, Spider Loc and others. Jackson's response was "Not Rich, Still Lyin'" where he mocks The Game.[117] Lloyd Banks replied to the Game on a Rap City freestyle booth session. The Game quickly released a "diss" record called "SoundScan" where The Game pokes fun at Lloyd Banks' album Rotten Apple falling thirteen spots on the Billboard 200 chart and disappointing second week sales. Lloyd Banks replied on his mixtape Mo' Money In The Bank Pt. 5: Gang Green Season Continues with a song called "Showtime (The Game's Over)". Lloyd Banks states that Jackson wrote half of The Game's first album The Documentary and pokes fun at The Game's suicidal thoughts.

In October 2006, The Game extended a peace treaty to Jackson, which was not immediately replied to.[118] However, a couple days later, on Power 106, he stated that the treaty was only offered for one day.[119] On The Game's album, Doctor's Advocate, he claims that the feud is over on a few of the songs.

In July 2009, The Game stated the beef was squashed with help from Michael Jackson and Diddy,[120] and he apologized for his actions during the beef.[121] Tony Yayo said that neither Jackson or G-Unit would accept his apology.[122] Since then, The Game continued his old "G-Unot" ways at live concerts. Jackson released "So Disrespectful" a diss song on Before I Self Destruct targeting Jay-Z, The Game and Young Buck.[123] Game later responded with the song "Shake", poking fun of the music video for 50's single "Candy Shop", quote, "Me and 50 aint agreeing on shit so I had to (Shake) Aint no telling what he putting in that protein (Shake) Seen the candy shop video look at this nigga (Shake) And thats the same shit that made the nigga Young Buck (Shake)". He also takes shots at Lloyd Banks and Tony Yayo, in which he says, "I'm surprised that Lloyd Banks and Yayo didn't (Shake) Wasn't selling no records Jimmy Iovine said (Shake)". Game also dissed G-Unit several times on the song "400 Bars".

Rick RossIn January 2009, Rick Ross started a feud with 50 Cent because he supposedly looked at him the wrong way at the BET Awards. However, Jackson told news sources that he did not even remember seeing Rick Ross there.[124] In late January, a track entitled "Mafia Music" by Rick Ross, leaked onto the Internet. There were several lines that seem to diss Jackson. Days later, Jackson released "Officer Ricky (Go Head, Try Me)" in response to Rick Ross's disparaging remarks on his "Mafia Music" song. The next day Rick Ross appeared on Shade 45, and told Jackson to come up with something better in 24 hours.

Before going to Venezuela, Jackson uploaded a video entitled "Warning Shot", where he warns Rick Ross: "I'ma fuck your life up for fun". In addition, Jackson released the first of a series of "Officer Ricky" cartoons. Early February, Jackson once again made a video which he uploaded to YouTube where he interviews "Tia", the mother of one of Rick Ross's children. She verifies his being a correctional officer and claims his whole persona is fake and fraudulent.[125] On Thursday, February 5, 2009, The Game, who Jackson has a long-standing "beef" with, called up Seattle's KUBE 93 Radio Station. When asked about the beef between Jackson and Rick Ross, The Game sided with Jackson and said that things are not looking good for Rick Ross. However, he offered to help Rick Ross get out of this situation, stating "Rick Ross, holla at your boy, man," and "50 eating you, boy."[126]

On his album Deeper Than Rap, Ross references Jackson in the song "In Cold Blood". A video for the song was released that portrayed Jackson's mock funeral. Upon release, Ross stated that he has ended Jackson's career.[127]

In an interview, Jackson said: "Rick Ross is Albert From CB4. You ever seen the movie? He's Albert," he added. "It never gets worse than this. You get a guy that was a correctional officer come out and base his entire career on writing material from a drug dealer's perspective such as "Freeway" Ricky Ross."[128]


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RE: Gäste-Ecke

in Gäste-Ecke 13.01.2011 21:38
von kein Name angegeben • ( Gast )

shit habs versehntlich doppelt geposted

bitte einmal löschen!!!

quelle englisches wikipedia

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RE: Gäste-Ecke

in Gäste-Ecke 13.01.2011 21:39
von kein Name angegeben • ( Gast )

fiddy ist mein lieblingsrapper, zum thema geh pennen... bin müde

bis morgen

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RE: Gäste-Ecke

in Gäste-Ecke 13.01.2011 21:42
von 50centfan | 236 Beiträge

Ja bis dann aber wenn du der bist der die ganze zeit scheiße postet warum tust du das dann?!

Be Yourself man!

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RE: Gäste-Ecke

in Gäste-Ecke 13.01.2011 21:47
von kein Name angegeben • ( Gast )

@50centfan: weil mir soo langweilig ist! ich weiß nicht was ich machen soll!!!!

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RE: Gäste-Ecke

in Gäste-Ecke 13.01.2011 21:50
von kein Name angegeben • ( Gast )

miaaaaaaaaa ist laaaaaaaangweilig, ich bin müde aber ich kann nicht schlafen!!!!!
ich weiß nicht was ich machen soll

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RE: Gäste-Ecke

in Gäste-Ecke 13.01.2011 21:57
von kein Name angegeben • ( Gast )


ICH GEH NIE WIEDER AUF DIESE SEITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

!!!! !




!!!!!!!!!!! !

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